Hawaii Development Community Authority

Administrative Rules

Rules of Practice and Procedure (Chapter 16)
District-Wide Improvement Program (Chapter 19)
Improvement District Rules (Chapter 20)
Development Program (Chapter 21)
Relocation Assistance to Displaced Persons (Chapter 24)

Plans: Mauka Makai

Rules: Mauka Makai

Development Plans and Rules
Subchapter 8 Administrative Procedures and Penalties Relating to Violations of Mauka and Makai Area Rules

 §15-16-90  Applicability.  This subchapter is promulgated for the enforcement of the planning and zoning rules pertaining to real property located within the mauka and makai areas of the Kakaako community development district.  Requirements of the mauka area rules, chapter 15-22, and the makai area rules, chapter 15-23, shall be enforced by the authority and penalties for violations shall be imposed as set forth in this subchapter.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-91  Definitions.  As used in this subchapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning or intent:
 "Days" means calendar days unless otherwise specified.
 "Repeated violation" means a recurrence of the same type of violation or of the same permit condition, at the same location, by any one or more previous violators.
 "Violation" means nonconformance with respect to use, development standards, permit conditions or associated misrepresentations as follows:
 (1) USE - Utilization of any structure or land for an activity not permitted in a land use zone pursuant to provisions of subchapters 1 and 2 of chapters 15-22 or 15-23.
 (2) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - Location or construction of any structure inconsistent with standards and procedures prescribed in subchapters 1, 3, 4, and 5 of chapters 15-22 or 15-23.
 (3) PERMIT CONDITIONS - Breach of a term or condition of any permit or other authorization issued pursuant to chapters 15-22 or 15-23.
 (4) MISREPRESENTATIONS - Misrepresentation of fact on any application, plan or other information submitted to obtain any authorization or permit, including but not limited to representations made in affidavits, recorded covenants, parking agreements, and joint development agreements.
 "Violator" means any person, persons, organization, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private corporation, or any other legal entity that has an interest in the property on which the violation occurs.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-92  Issuance of notice of violation and citation. (a)  Upon determination of a violation, the executive director may issue a notice of violation and citation.
 (b) Service of notice of violation and citation shall be in person or by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested.
  (c) The notice of violation and citation shall include but is not limited to the following:
 (1) Date of the notice;
 (2) Name and address of the violator;
 (3) Nature of the violation;
 (4) The section number of the provision or rule, or the number of the permit which has been violated; and
 (5) Location and time of violation.
 (d) The notice of violation and citation may require the violator to do any or all of the following:
 (1) Cease and desist from the violation;
 (2) Correct the violation at the violator's own expense on or before a date specified in the citation;
 (3) Pay a fine as determined in accordance with section 15-16-94 in the manner, place, and date specified in the notice if the violation persists after the date specified to correct the violation;
 (4) Pay a fine as determined in accordance with section 15-16-94 for each day in which the violation persists after the date specified to correct the violation; and
 (5) Pay for administrative costs incurred by the authority in the preparation of the notice of violation and citation and the collection of fines.
 (e) The notice of violation and citation shall advise the violator that appeals shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the date of its receipt.  The notice shall advise the violators of the appeal process and that variance procedures are available.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-93  Time period for compliance.  (a)  When determining the corrective action to be taken and a reasonable deadline to correct the violation, the executive director shall use the following schedule as a guide:

                            Schedule for Correction of Violations

Type of                                                  Initial                                 Repeated
Violation                                             Violation                              Violation

Use                                                         15 days                         7 days or less
Development Standard                       30 days                       15 days or less
Permit Condition                                  30 days                       15 days or less

 (b) This schedule is only a guide and may be modified in consideration of the following:
 (1) The type and the degree of the violation, whether it is a repeated violation, and the number of violations cited in the citation;
 (2) Whether the violation poses a threat or potential threat to human health and safety;
 (3) The intent of the violator to comply, if it has been expressed to the executive director;
 (4) Procedural requirements for obtaining a permit or authorization to carry out corrective action;
 (5) The complexity of the corrective action required, including construction requirements and the legal prerogatives of landlords and tenants; and
 (6) Any other circumstances beyond the control of the violator.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-94  Administrative fines.  (a)  If a violation is not corrected by the date specified in the notice, the violator shall pay to the authority a fine prescribed by the executive director in accordance with subsections (b) through (d) in an amount not to exceed $500.
 (b) In determining the amount of the fine, the executive director shall consider the following:
 (1) The nature and degree of the violation;
 (2) Whether the violation involves a threat to public health and safety;
 (3) Whether there is income derived from the violation;
 (4) Whether there are multiple violations; and
 (5) Whether it is a repeated violation as defined in section 15-16-91.
 (c) The fine for an initial violation shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

 Use                                Conditions                         Misrepresentations

$50-$500                         $200-$500                                  $100-$500

 (d) The fine for repeated violations shall be the amount of the fine imposed for the initial violation plus the additional amount as indicated in the following schedule:

Violation             Use                 Conditions                  Misrepresentations

Second               $100                     $100                                     $100
Third                     200                       200                                       200
Fourth or
  more                    450                       300                                       400

 (e) When a violation is not corrected by the deadline specified in the citation, the executive director may assess an additional fine not to exceed $500 for each day the violation remains uncorrected in accordance with the following schedule:

                                   Number of Days After Deadline to Correct Violation

Violation          1-90           91-180           181-270           271-360           361-450          more than 450

Initial              $ 50              $100               $200                $300                  $400                    $500
Second            100                200                 300                  400                    500                      500
Third                200                300                 400                  500                    500                      500
Fourth or
  more               300                400                 500                  500                    500                      500

[Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-95  Right to appeal.  Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter, any person served with a notice of violation and citation pursuant to this subchapter may appeal the notice of violation and citation to the authority in accordance with subchapter 7 of chapter 15-16.  The appeal must be filed with the authority within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the notice.  The notice becomes final and not appealable thirty (30) days after its receipt.  An appeal to the authority shall not stay any provision of the notice of violation and citation, or the fines imposed thereby.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-96  Right to apply for variance.  The notice of violation and citation shall advise the violator that variance procedures are available as prescribed in subchapter 5 of chapter 15-16.  An application for variance shall not affect, interfere with or postpone any administrative proceedings and penalties initiated under this subchapter.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-97  Other legal remedies.  (a)  The executive director may institute a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction for the enforcement of any citation issued pursuant to this section.  Where the civil action has been instituted to enforce the civil fine imposed by said citation, the executive director need only show that the notice of violation and citation was served, that a fine was imposed and the amount of the fine, that the fine imposed has not been paid, that either no appeal or request for variance was made or that an appeal of the citation was upheld by the authority.
 (b) The executive director may refer violations to the attorney general's office for criminal prosecution or pursue any other legal means to correct the violations or to collect unpaid fines, or both.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)

 §15-16-98  Administrative costs.  Violators shall be liable for all administrative costs incurred by the authority in processing and levying the penalties set forth in this subchapter.  Said costs shall include but not be limited to the cost incurred in the preparation of notices, the collection of fines, and the appeal of violations.  [Eff 10/3/94] (Auth:  HRS §§91-2, 206E-4, 206E-22) (Imp:  HRS §§206E-5, 206E-7, 206E-22)


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