Hawaii Development Community Authority

Administrative Rules

Rules of Practice and Procedure (Chapter 16)
District-Wide Improvement Program (Chapter 19)
Improvement District Rules (Chapter 20)
Development Program (Chapter 21)
Relocation Assistance to Displaced Persons (Chapter 24)

Plans: Mauka Makai

Rules: Mauka Makai

Development Plans and Rules
5.0 Infrastructure Systems

As mandated by the Legislature, HCDA is to act as a catalyst for development and its purpose is to "join the strengths of private enterprise, and public development and regulation into a new form capable of long-range planning and implementation of improved community development."  Infrastructure improvements by HCDA are a major tool to strengthen the development efforts of the public and private sectors, and provide the basic services needed for the growth and functioning of a community.

For the most part, the existing infrastructure in the Makai Area is inadequate to support any sizable development and, before new developments can occur, it must be improved.  All existing infrastructure systems in the Makai Area are proposed to be upgraded to meet the maximum potential demands and will be coordinated with the broader region, including the Mauka Area.  Prior to the initiation of any new development, the utilities expected to serve it will have adequate capacities to meet the needs and demands to be generated.  All utilities will be designed in accordance with appropriate City and County and utility company standards and established engineering principles.  Infrastructure plans are presented as concepts in order to understand the magnitude of costs needed.  Final design will be based on subsequent detailed engineering analyses.

Major infrastructure improvement costs for roads and sidewalks, water, wastewater, drainage, electrical and communication systems, street lights and traffic signalization in the Makai Area (as summarized in Table V-1 below and described further in the following text and layouts) are estimated to be about $66.10 million in 1998 dollars.  Estimated costs include allocations for planning, design and contingencies.
                                            Table V-1
                        Infrastructure Improvement Costs
Infrastructure System                                          Estimated Cost
                                                                              ($ millions)
Roads                                                                        27.50
Water Supply                                                               5.05
Wastewater                                                                  5.40
Drainage                                                                     12.80
Power and Communications                                          3.35
Street Lighting and Traffic Controls                               4.00
Design Fees                                                                  8.00
     TOTAL                                                                 66.10

 Roadways, water, wastewater, drainage, street lighting and traffic signalization systems are generally maintained and operated by public agencies while power and communication systems are maintained and operated by privately-run public utility companies.

5.1 Roadways

The estimated costs for Makai Area roadway right-of-way improvements is $27.50 million.  The estimated roadway costs include roadway excavation, base course, pavement curbs, sidewalk signs and striping, necessary intersection improvements, and major landscaping elements.  (See Chapter 3 for roadway layout and dimensions.)

5.2 Water Supply System

To meet water demands expected from proposed land use activities, the water system will be upgraded in accordance with the standards of the City Board of Water Supply.  The existing and proposed waterline improvements for the Makai Area are shown in Figure V-1.  Approximately 8,170 feet of new and larger water lines will be needed to meet expected business water usage as well as fire flow requirements.  Local improvements will include the installation of 8- and 12-inch water lines in major and local streets, along with new fire hydrants, water valves, manholes, and other appurtenances.  In addition, HCDA will explore the potential for alternative water systems, such as a non-potable source for irrigation purposes, thereby reducing water requirements.

The total cost for the Makai Area water system improvements for local water lines is estimated to be $5.05 million.

5.3 Wastewater System

The proposed wastewater system improvements for the Makai Area are shown in Figure V-2.  The system consists of a series of 8-inch, 12-inch, 15-inch, and 18-inch gravity lines and modifications to existing 48-inch and 78-inch force mains.  Existing wastewater lines not needing improvement are also shown.  Approximately 8,170 feet of new wastewater lines will be needed.  Other improvements include the replacement of existing lines with larger lines to accommodate projected flows and meet City and County standards.

The total cost for local wastewater system improvements in the Makai Area is estimated to be $5.40 million.

5.4 Drainage System

The proposed drainage system improvements for the Makai Area include new reinforced concrete pipe and box culverts, manholes, catch basins and/or drainage inlets at appropriate points of the system.  Proposed local and major drainage lines are shown in Figure V-3.  Approximately 6,000 feet of new pipe ranging in sizes from 24-inch up to 108-inch drain lines will be needed  Existing drain lines not needing improvement are also shown.

The total cost for drainage system improvements is estimated to be $12.80 million.

5.5 Power and Communication Systems


A gas line layout is not proposed because a system is dependent upon the potential load, number of customers, cost of installation, and other factors.  Gasco, Inc. is responsible for the funding and replacement of undersized or deteriorated lines as necessary.  In the future, Gasco, Inc. will decide whether to construct service mains to new customers or provide them with containerized gas.

Electrical Power and Communication Systems

The electrical power and communication utilities which serve Kakaako are privately owned by HECO, Hawaiian Telephone Company Incorporated and Oceanic Cablevision.  The proposed improvements to the electrical and communication utilities are shown in Figure V-4 and will consist of ductlines, pullboxes and manholes for each system.  All overhead lines will be placed underground in concrete ductlines.  Design of the improvements will conform to the standards of the utility company that owns the system.  Construction of proposed underground power and communication lines on Ala Moana Boulevard will be accomplished as a Mauka Area project, and the cost to underground existing overhead utilities will be assessed to adjoining Makai Area properties in accordance with improvement district rules.

In the event that demands within the Makai Area warrant it, a new substation (funded by HECO) may be required to meet projected power requirements.  HECO's policy is to increase system service capacity only when the need arises or when future loads can be anticipated with reasonable certainty.  HCDA will coordinate the timing and location of the substation with HECO.

Costs for modifications to existing substations and costs associated with adding and extending lines from the substation due to increase in loads are to be paid by HECO.  The existing overhead and underground facilities that are in conflict with the Plan will be removed or relocated to conform to the new layout.  New construction cost will be shared for conduits and other appurtenances to relocate existing overhead facilities to new underground systems within the public rights-of-way.  The funding will be shared between the government, HECO, and the property owner or developer.  The property owner or developer will be responsible for HECO's service charges to individual lots.

Telephone and cable TV lines will run adjacent to the electric lines within underground ducts buried in the roadways.  Approximately 11,000 feet of underground conduits will need to be installed.  This does not include the conduits along Ala Moana Boulevard which are included in the Mauka Area Plan.  Costs to relocate existing overhead telephone lines and facilities within the area will be shared by the telephone company, the government, and the property owner or developer.  Individual service costs to the customer or developer will be borne by the telephone company and the customer.  All costs to relocate existing underground lines, and to provide additional electrical and telephone facilities within public right-of-ways, will be borne solely by the applicable utility company.

In addition to telephone and cable TV lines, a state-of-the-art telecommunication infrastructure system is being planned for the Makai Area.  Approximately 11,000 linear feet of underground conduits are being planned as part of the overall infrastructure improvements to the Makai Area.  It is envisioned that the non-utility owned conduit systems will be "installation ready" for private access providers to establish fiberoptic networks to support commercial developments in the Makai Area.

The total cost of electrical power and communication utilities in the Makai Area is estimated to be approximately $3.35 million.

5.6 Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Systems

Street lights are located throughout Kakaako along public roadways, and the system is owned and maintained by the City and County of Honolulu.  In order to make Kakaako safe and attractive, street lights will be installed as part of all new and improved roadways.

Traffic signalization in the Makai Area is presently located at street intersections along Ala Moana Boulevard.  These facilities are owned and maintained by the State of Hawaii.  Signal systems will be added or modified as required by improvements and as approved by the appropriate State or county agency.  The total cost of street lighting and traffic signal systems in the Makai Area is estimated to be approximately $4.00 million.

5.7 Support Services

Police and Fire

Police protection services are provided by the Honolulu Police Department.  The Makai Area is located within the Metropolitan Police District 1 which extends from Hawaii Kai to Pearl City.  District 1 headquarters is located on Hotel Street between Beretania and King Streets.  Fire service is provided through the Honolulu Fire Department's Kakaako, Pawaa, and Central Stations.

 Medical Services

Major medical services in the vicinity of Kakaako include Queen's Medical Center located on Punchbowl Street, Straub Clinic and Hospital located on King Street and Ward Avenue, and the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center's Honolulu Clinic on Pensacola Street.  The proximity of these major medical facilities indicates that adequate medical service will be available to Makai Area workers.


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677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1001, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150