About HCDAContact HCDADiscover Kakaako

Agenda for Oct. 2, 2002 HCDA Meeting

Hawaii Community Development Authority

Regular Meeting

October 2, 2002

9:00 a.m.

677 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 1000, Conference Room

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813




                                                              A G E N D A



I.                      ROLL CALL

II.                    APPROVAL OF MINUTES

1.      Regular Meeting of September 4, 2002




IV.                  ITEM FOR INFORMATION

A.            Navy Report for Kalaeloa and HCDA Actions Required


V.                    ITEMS FOR ACTION

2.      Approval to Authorize the Executive Director to Initiate the Queen Street Improvements Project (Improvement District 11)

3.      Approval of the Waterfront Business Plan

4.      Approval to Authorize the Executive Director to Execute an Amendment to General Lease Nos. S-4578 and S-4589 with Basin Project, Inc.

5.      Approval    to   Allocate   Additional   Funds   for the Forrest Avenue Realignment/Cargo Area Reconfiguration Project

6.      Approval to Enter into Exclusive Negotiations with the University of Hawaii for the Leasing of Land on the Kakaako Waterfront

IV.                    ITEMS FOR INFORMATION (continuation)

B.     Presentation on Proposed Planned Development Project at 1288 Ala Moana Boulevard by M.K. Management, LLC

C.     Proposed Amendments to the Kakaako Community Development District Makai Area Plan and Rules (Chapter 23), Title 15, Hawaii Administrative Rules (�Plan and Rules Amendment�), Relating to the Realignment of Ohe Street


V.                      ADJOURNMENT






Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to contact Miko Dargitz, HCDA�s ADA Compliance Coordinator, by phone at 587-2870 or by facsimile at 587-8150 at least 5 working days prior to the date required.


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  About HCDAContact HCDADiscover Kakaako
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677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1001, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150